Wednesday 13 February 2008

st goar to prague - 12th feb 2008

If it's Tuesday, then this must be Prague? We set off early in Germany, having said our goodbyes to our gracious hosts, Hermann and his wife, cold but well rested. The bus headed off at a good pace along the Rhine in a fog (both metaphorical, after the wine, and meteorological). The journey was uneventful but for a wee lecture about group tardiness at stops.

The only sign we had crossed the border into the Czech Republic (now an open border with not even a passport check!) was a greyness of sky descending upon the earth. Eastern Europe, could you be throwing me a cliche?

Arriving after 5 at our hostel in Prague, we are informed that the place has a huge bar, free internet access as well as sauna, swimming pool and TV lounge. A great hostel for sure and a welcome increase in temperature from Hermann's! We had a delicious buffet & wine on Ozbus. The free wine was the downfall - quite literally - of one Ozbuser, so drunk that no-one could fail to notice, especially when she fell down twice in a minute! Bless. It wasn't me, by the way!!!

The group (well most of it, anyway) headed out to Muzeum on the metro - first to a bar called Beer Factory, then to a bar/club followed finally by a last club playing cheesy music.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey madam jojo

haooy v-day. woulda sent you a card were you in the country. sounds like you're having fun already.look forward to reading about your travels :)

sarah x