Wednesday 30 January 2008

So much to do, so little time!

So, here we are. I left work on Friday - an epic work day that ended at 8pm after the computer system broke and we, as Holidays Team, fixed it by manually logging in and one by one saving over 6,000 files. You would think after a day like that I'd be euphoric at leaving. Instead, I felt a bit lost really.

However, it's now Wednesday. I've had a brilliant leaving do on Saturday (thanks to all my friends - guys, I had an amazing night)...and I'm finally getting the hang of this 'not working' malarkey. I have so much to do, much of which involves shopping (as all will testify, something I'm very good at) and the rest packing (I myself will testify, something I am terrible at and loathe to perform).

I have 10 and a bit days before I set off. Set off for where, you ask? I am heading to the other side of the globe - Sydney, to be exact, on a 3-month bus trip with over 30 strangers. I can't wait! The concept of my trip has caused much controversy among all who have heard about it (responses ranging from "You lucky b**tard!" to "A bus?? Why on EARTH??? There are planes, you know!" and not much in between). But one thing remains constant: it is a major talking point. So here, over the next few months, I will be keeping a note of my journey. Not with the sole purpose of boring the pants off all my friends and family - but also for myself, as a note of what happens to me, so that I may look back on it (fondly or otherwise!) in years to come.

On that note, I had better get back to the matter in hand. The dreaded sorting of possessions for the trip of a lifetime.